Wednesday, 10 January 2024

Crime reports statistics

We share a monthly summary of homophobic (HO) and transphobic (HT) crime reports in London. These are figures for incidents and offences reported to the Metropolitan Police. Also included is the sanction detection rate (SD) for these reported cases. 

It should be stressed that here is evidence that there is significantly under-reporting of hate crimes. We are working to increase the number of reported crimes shown in these statistics by working with the police to increase public confidence in reporting.

The Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) publishes statistics on all hate crimes in London on their Hate Crime Dashboard



The year started off with an elevated number of homophobic hate crimes. The COVID19 lockdown has reduced the number of reports. This has now risen back to pre-COVID levels.


    Sunday, 26 March 2023


    Casey Review finds systemic shortcomings in internal culture and professional standards in the MPS

    Baroness Casey has published her independent review into the internal culture and professional standards of the Metropolitan Service (MPS).  The LGBT+ Advisory Group to the MPS welcomes the findings of this stark and challenging report. The review has provided a forensic analysis giving a perspective that crosses many strands.

    Our Advisory Group was established in 2020 following the London nail bomb attacks in Brixton, Brick Lane and Soho. We have been working with the MPS on LGBT+ issues. The MPS has made much progress in many areas and there is clear commitment at the senior levels to equality, diversity and inclusion. However, almost 23 years, the Casey Review confirms that much more needs to be done. 

    It is clear from our own work that there are still deep-seated cultural shortcomings in the MPS. Too many frustrating interactions have shown us that there is much inertia against change in this large organisation. We hope that this review will provide renewed focus and impetus to the transformational change needed in the MPS.

    The reports finds that frontline policing has been eroded over the years and that trust and confidence in the police has been falling, especially within the LGBT+ community. The failure to link the serial murders of Anthony Walgate, Gabriel Kovari, Daniel Whitworth and Jack Taylor in 2014-15 was a turning point, showing that the urgent need to raise the cultural competence of the frontline police. 

    The review team’s survey also found MPS’s own LGBT+ officers and staff have regular experience of homophobia, and that there are many cultural barriers to challenge such behaviour. 

    The LGBT+ Advisory Group is committed to working with with the MPS to implement the recommendations of the Casey Review. We will be actively challenging the MPS to make sure that the LGBT+ issues remain an integral part of the cultural transformation needed in the MPS. 

    We are currently involved in developing a new model of LGBT+ community liaison officers to improve how the local police engage with and listen to the community, a key shortcoming identified by the review.

    Beyond the Casey review, we will also make sure that bi, trans and non-binary voices are heard. We are also keenly aware that cultural issues cannot be confined to compartments and many intersectional challenges need to be addressed. We will continue to work on hate crime, sexual violence and many other policing issues faced by the LGBT+ community.

    We will be facilitating a community engagement event in the near future for the MPS to listen to our community’s response to the Casey Review and also the MPS Turnaround Plan.

    Thursday, 23 March 2023


    Man convicted of murder in Tower Hamlets Park Cemetery

    The trial for the murder of Ranjith ‘Roy’ Kankanamalage has concluded at the Old Bailey. A man, Erik Feld, was convicted of his murder at the Old Bailey earlier today. Sentencing will be at a later date.

    Ranjith was violently attacked by Feld in the Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park in August 2021. This had caused major concerns among the local residents and the LGBT+ community. Feld was charged after his DNA was found under the murdered man’s fingernails. We have since learnt that Feld had an obsession with hammer attacks and videos of such violent assaults. During the trial, he had an outburst of homophobic slurs directed at the public gallery. This reinforces the perception among the LGBT+ people that this was a homophobic attack.

    Ranjith came to London to make a new life some time ago from Sri Lanka – a country where a legal sanctions and harsh prejudice against LGBTQ+ people still exists. Our condolences extend to his grown up children, his former husband and his wider family and friends. The violence he was subjected to was unconscionable, and we welcome the verdict.

    We worked closely with the local police and the homicide team to ensure that they incorporated learning arising from how the Met initially mishandled murders perpetrated by Stephen Port. At a time when trust and confidence is at an all time low, we will continue to provide robust independent advice to improve the police service delivered to LGBTQ+ Londoners in all our diversity.

    Saturday, 15 October 2022


    Cultural Challenges at the Metropolitan Police: LGBT+ community meeting

    The Metropolitan Police Service has come under a lot of scrutiny in the last year on their interaction with the diverse communities in London. This includes the handling of the murders of Anthony Walgate, Gabriel Kovari, Daniel Whitworth and Jack Taylor in East London. The IOPC investigation into police conduct continues.

    In addition, the MPS is also under review by the HMICFRS (statutory inspectorate of the emergency services). They also invited Baroness Louise Casey to conduct a review of cultural issues within the organisation.

    Commander Jonathan Savell will be attending to listen to your concerns and to answer questions.

    This event is organised by the LGBT+ Advisory Group to the Metropolitan Police. 

    This will be an in-person event. 

    Date: Tuesday 8th November, 6.30pm-8pm

    Please register on Eventbrite.

    Wednesday, 10 August 2022


    The LGBT+ Advisory Group would like to invite applications to join our group

    Our recruitment round is now closed. 

    We are a voluntary group of independent advisors to the Metropolitan Police. We have been working for over twenty years to make sure that they listen to community concerns and to provide advice on individual operations and on their strategic planning.

    More than ever, the police needs advice from the many communities in London that they serve. 
    We want to strengthen our own membership to reflect the diverse lived experiences of LGBT+ people in the city.

    We are seeking members who are keen to see better policing for our communities and are willing to work with us to advise the police on LGBT+ issues.

    If you are interested in joining the group, please send us a brief statement (no more than one side of A4) with your experience and how you think you can contribute. We can also meet up (in person or online) if you are curious about joining the group and would like to find out more.

    Wednesday, 22 June 2022


    IOPC announces re-opening of investigation into the MPS handling of the Barking & Dagenham murders

    The LGBT Advisory Group welcomes the IOPC decision to re-open their investigation into the MPS handling of these cases.
    We are continuing to make sure  community concerns are heard by the police, highlight shortcomings and push for improvements in the service offered to the LGBT+ community.
    We are working with the MPS to implement the recommendations of the IOPC and the coroner. We are pushing for resources for more proactive community engagement in the boroughs, more consistent access to independent advice throughout the MPS and most importantly a culture shift in all ranks of the MPS.
    We are also assisting in Baroness Casey’s review of the culture within the MPS and the HMIFRCS review.

    Wednesday, 15 June 2022


    IOPC announcement due soon on re-opening of investigation into the MPS handling of the Barking & Dagenham murders

    We have received an update from the IOPC (Independent Office for Police Conduct) regarding their investigation into the handling of the deaths of Anthony Walgate, Gabriel Kovari, Daniel Whitworth and Jack Taylor. 

    They have been considering re-opening their investigation in the light of the coroner's inquest that completed last December.  They will be announcing their decision via their website on Thursday 23rd June.