Thursday, 15 December 2016

Community Engagement Conference: 6th January

6 - 9pm, Friday 6 January
Empress State Building, Empress Approach, Lillie Road, Earls Court, London SW6 1TR

What's this about?
Last year we undertook to convene an engagement meeting after the trial of Stephen Port had concluded. We cordially invite you to this extended event. Not only will you be able to voice your questions and concerns about the Port case, but you will also be briefed on an array of learning and development activities that are particularly relevant. This includes the review of GBL-related deaths, the review of unexpected death procedures, and the chemsex training and guidance programme.
As you can see from the programme below, more than 50% of the time is allocated to enabling community members to have their say. That's why the programme runs from 6-9pm including refreshments to sustain you! We recognise that Friday night may be an unusual day for the event, but until the replacement to New Scotland Yard opens in the Spring, the main conference suite at Empress State Building is heavily over subscribed.
Please pass this invitation on all the contacts in your own networks.

Please register online using our online form (preferred method). Alternatively, register by email to with your name, contact email, dietary and access requirements. For further enquiries, please call 020 3524 0562.

Who is this for? LGBT+ community members and stakeholders, MPS LGBT liaison personnel and LGBT+ MPS staff involved in organisational development.

  1. Introduction (LGBT AG co-chair Derek Lee) (5 mins) and how to become an advisor (5 mins)
  2. Overview (LGBT AG member Jack Gilbert) Lilford, learning and trust and confidence (15 mins)
  3. Table top syndicate discussion - what are the key concerns or questions raised by Port? Report back and discussion with Senior Investigating Officer DCI Tim Duffield. (40 mins)
  4. Review of GBL-related deaths (DCI Tim Duffield) (15 mins)
  5. Unexplained Death Investigations outline of process and review (MPS DCI Rebecca Reeves or someone from the review team) (15 Mins)
  6. Q&A (25 min)
  7. Comfort break (10 mins)
  8. Chemsex: review of internal process and consultation about LGBT+ engagement tools (DCI James Foley, AG Member Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett)(15 mins)
    Table top discussions and report back (40 mins)
    • how to lower barriers for reporting crimes experienced by people before, during or after chemsex
    • feedback on chemsex policy, what would public facing documents address?
  1. Summing up and next steps (Derek Lee) (10 mins)

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